holy tits almost 3 weeks
that went by so fast haha. well lets see ima have to do this quick.i got moved to the aboriginal class because i guess some people said something in chinese to me that the teacher didn't like but shit don't phase, my new class is a little hot but the people are fucking hilarious and super nice. The gay guy that hits on me in the class is a little unnerving but what ever. oh and i found out that in addition to being a chick magnet i'm also a dude magnet because i also have 2 other gay guys that hit on me in the weaving class haha.
I've come to notice that being gay isn't looked down upon in anyway out here same with being a man really haha (no offense intended). Like guys where make up sometimes, there constantly fixing there hair with mirrors in class ect, now that is of course culture and it's deffinatley different from home. The families are a little more strict here, you study all the time and alot of students go to cram school at night after there 10 hours of public school. it's crazy also in unrelated news taiwan has the one of the highest suicide rates :O
everyone has a scooter and most people live in there businesses. typhoons happen regularly (I'm in one right now and the waves are HUGE) and I felt my first earth quake, it doesn't feel like shaking it fells more like everything is waving up and down. No one speeds, they actually drive 10 km/h below the speed limit and the police are really nice, well to me anyway.